Wednesday, November 27, 2013

3D Printer should be in PG by Friday

It looks like the 3D CUBE printer should be delivered in PG by Friday.
I know the Teachers and students at TCC are looking forward to it.
Marcel Palma will be getting it up and running ASAP.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Cube 3D Printer has made it to Belize!

The printer has arrived in Belize city and will soon be on its way to TCC! +Marcel Palma will be setting up the printer and working closely with other instructors at the collage to implement the use of the printer into the curriculum. +3D Systems and +Cubify  have made this donation possible and are giving the students of TCC a great new tool to work with. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Cube for the students of TCC has been ordered!

11/7/13 - The new Cube for Toledo Community College has been ordered and will be on its way soon to Balize. Again, 3d-Printing Solutions would like to thank 3DSystems for the donation of this 3d printer to the teachers and students of TCC.
Marcel Palma from TCC describes the school as follows:

Toledo Community College is a Co-Ed Secondary Level High School. Located in Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, Belize C.A. This institution opened its doors in September 1983. This Institution grew out of a need to add a vocational-technical component to the school’s curriculum. In its inception, TCC has the teaching of Agriculture as one of its main focus. With the introduction of other vocational and technical training schools in Toledo however, the focus has been shifting to one that is more academic and the integration of technology in the class is definitely a challenge.

The vocational and technical programs now focus on getting the students to continue their studies in several fields including engineering before entering the job market. Part of this focus made us start to offer Computer aided drafting (CAD)as a part of the package. Our students do two years of technical drawing at the lower secondary and get to choose whether to pursue CAD in the third and fourth year. They are generally focused on creating two dimensional drawings using paper, and their drawing utensils. The addition of a 3D printer will definitely take us to the next level in allowing the students to start creating in 3D and actually be able to see their plan or design come to life.
The curriculum at TCC is structured in what is known in the Caribbean high schools as the “two and two” curriculum. It offers a variety of programs, which includes (but is not limited to) the Arts, Business, Sciences, Phys. Ed. & Sports, and Vocational and Technical Education. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Beginning of an Oppertunity

At TCC the students are currently using basic drafting practice to create and build projects in the field.

With addition of a 3D Printer and moving into the wold of 3d modeling the students will be able to create much more and detailed designs. The strong background in basic drafting procedures will be of great help with them moving forward very quickly into modeling.

It looks like the Cube printer will be shipping within a week or so. The teachers are in the process of working on an advanced curriculum that will incorporate the use of the printer in several areas of the school.

More news to come.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Punta Gorda, Belize to get 3D Printer

3DSystems has graciously donated a Cube 3D Printer to The Toledo Community College (TCC) located in Punta Gorda Town Belize.

TCC the largest high school in the Toledo District, they have 887 students. Along with 3DSystems Houston based 3d-Printing Solutions will be supplying service and support for this project. 

The children in Belize seem to be very positive, eager and engaged in their future. This is a huge opportunity to open minds to science and technology. Stay tuned to this Blog space for updates on the Printers arrival, install and implementation into class. 

"The  architectural and engineering classes will be the first groups to engage in the use of the printer." According to Marcel Palma Instructor at TCC


TCC Student 2010 Demographics:
 Mpoan Maya 22.7%
Ketchi Maya 36.9%
Mstizo 13.8%
Garifuna 9.9%
East Indian 8.9%
Creole 7.8%